setting out with a passion & heart that's on fire for God; a heart determined to grow & sustain a business that embraces my innate creative spirit & ultimately funding a non-profit organization start-up, dedicated to helping women & children who have experienced domestic abuse. An organization also determined to change the family court system for the betterment of children everywhere. JOMBA will be relentless in stopping family court system corruption. JOMBA is commited to placing child's best interest first; always.

  • who we are...

    just one mama bear campaigning for other mama bears to join in on a world-wide mission to bring awareness & education to the family court system on personality disorders & the effects on children. Also, exposing any family court corruption & injustices across the world. Rallying with political figures and other mama bears everywhere to institute necessary laws & protections to help end all family court system corruption. We are calling on people everywhere to help make JOMBA be a world-wide known organization .

  • why we do it...

    to help the families suffering at the hands of the family court system, that all too often fails to put the best interests of the child/children first. First-hand, personal experiences with the wide-spread injustices currently happening everyday in the family court system is why the seed was planted to start. But the single most important reason why, is for the children; called into action by God. God has laid this cause on my heart with careful cultivation throughout my entire life. May all the glory be to Him, and Him alone.

  • how we plan to do it...

    a minimum of 10% from each purchase will start building the organization trust. We will begin holding annual banquets/events that will be geared towards fundraising for specific goals, and for the organization to grow and flourish as a whole. Interested in joining in on the cause by volunteering, please use the contact us tab. We anticipate the needs of the organization to grow tremendously over the next six months, so we are now compiling lists of potential partnerships & volunteers as we evolve.